1.介绍广州旅游景点英文翻译 广州旅游介绍英语





6.用英语介绍广州五羊景区(带有故事介绍) 用词要简单,500字左右


Zhenhai Tower (镇海楼)

Standing on the top of Yuexiu Hill in the northern suburbs, the 28-metre-high five-story tower, Zhenhai Tower (also known as the Five-Story Pagoda) was built on the orders of Zhu Liangzu, the Yongjia Marquis of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), to flaunt his power and the obsession that he was able to shake the seas and mountains. A magnificent building, it commands a bird's-eye view of the whole city. The tower now houses the City Museum; its exhibits chronicle the history of Guangzhou from Neolithic times till the early part of the 20th century.

介绍广州旅游景点英文翻译 广州旅游介绍英语







dak6 sik1 dim2 sam1

Special Dim Sum


neoi6 ji4 hung4 fung6 zaau2

Chicken Feet


taai3 sik1 fung6 zaau2

Thai Chicken Feet


laat6 zap1 mak6 jyu4 zai2

Squid in hot sauce


taai3 sik1 bak1 gik6 bui3

Thai (Phuket?) (Shell?)

(北极 can also mean North Pole but that doesn't quite make sense there, so Phuket is just a guess since it is in Thailand)


zuk1 leoi6



pei4 daan6 sau3 juk6 zuk1

Thousand-year-old-egg and lean meat congee


joeng4 seng4 teng5 zai2 zuk1

(no idea) Congee


caai4 jyu4 faa1 saang1 zuk1

Fish and Peanut Congee


tim4 ban2



sou1 pei4 daan6 taat3

Egg Tarts (yum!)


hoeng1 wu6 sai1 mai5 lou6

Sweet Taro and Sago Drink


leoi4 saa1 tong1 jyun4

Soup Balls (yum!)


dau6 saa1 zin1 jyun5 beng2

Fried Mashed Bean Soft Biscuits


Zaap6 gwo2 dau6 fu6 faa1

Various Fruits with Soft Bean Curd Pieces Dessert


hoeng1 mong4 dung3 bou3 din6

Mango Pudding

艇仔粥 is mixed seafood congee


The Panyu Lianhua is the Guangdong Province key scenery scenic spot area, is located east Fanyu the Zhujiangkou lion river bank.The Lianhua is composed by 48 red sandstone low mountains, the elevation most is high is 108 meters, the occupying a land area of 2.54 square kilometers.In which has the unicorn peak, because on the peak has resembles the lotus flower together the rock, therefore the posterity is called this mountain the Lianhua.

Lianhua tourist area

Lianhua's origin is spreading the myth story which a Goddess of Mercy provides relief.It is said, very before long time, South China Sea has an evil dragon, stirs up trouble in Zhujiangkou, submerges the paddies frequently, causes the coast inhabitant to fully suffer its evil.Just happens to meet the Guanyin Bodhisattva to pass by this place, saw with own eyes the evil dragon leaves a legacy of trouble, the life spreads the coal, is unable to restrain to show mercy, throws the place under lotus flower to the water in, suppression evil dragon.After the lotus flower enters the water to change into the megalith, becomes nearby today lotus flower Shannan fontanel the lotus rocks and flowers.The Lianhua also from this acquires fame

The Lianhua is Zhujiang Delta famous mountains, is located the Zhujiangkou lion ocean bank, the occupying a land area of 2.33 square kilometers, the maximum elevation 108 meters, are apart from the Guangzhou urban district 30 kilometers, is apart from the Hong Kong 60 nautical miles, the amphibious transportation is extremely convenient.The Lianhua is the Guangdong Province provincial level scenery scenic spot area and national AAAA level tourist area, in March, 2002 is evaluated by Guangzhou Municipal the new century Guangzhou eight scenery - lotus peak view sea.The Lianhua history culture accumulates deeply, the Lianhua ancient quarry history may trace is apart from now more than 2200 year Western Han Dynasty times, is fifth batch of nation key cultural relic preservation organ which the State Council announces.The beginning constructs in the Ming Dynasty wanlinian between Qing Dynasty Kangxi Dynasty lotus flower tower and lotus Huacheng is the Guangdong Province provincial level cultural relic preservation organ.1994 year's end were completed Goddess of Mercy saint boundary broad in scale, with overpowering momentum, are the present foil gold Goddess of Mercy copper statue world.

The swallow crag is the entire ancient quarry ruins essence is at, meets every time the early morning or the evening, forms groups the swallow patrols the convolution in the sheer precipice between, builds the nest in the high exceed hundred foot stone seam between to build jiu, because swallow crag acquiring fame.In the scenic spot the cliff is lofty, the megalith across the sky, the imposing manner is threatening.Looks up to upwardly from the cliff trail, four sides the escarpment series confronts, the high peak stands suddenly, the broad sky is shrunk a side courtyard, the palatial megalith can under the avalanche fall probably as necessary, the dizzy god swings, is terror-stricken.Places oneself three which the cliff goes against to look at the scenery in the pavilion to take a broad view the vast lion ocean, ten thousand ton huge ship shuttle intercourse, good school of prosperous bead triangle landscape painting!

The lotus flower tower stood erect summit of in the Lianhua prominent peak, the beginning constructs in the Ming Dynasty Wanli 40 years (in 1612), had more than 400 years history.Outside the lotus flower tower 9, in 11, outside assume the star anise, the post and panel structure, inside is equipped with the spiral stairs, may go directly to the tower to go against.Has a size not entry in tower each level, the different models.The tower height 50 meters, are Lianhua's peaks.Since the ancient times, passes in and out from the lonely ocean Pearl River's ships, all as passes in and out take the lotus flower tower Guangzhou's symbol, therefore has the lotus flower tower has the provincial capital engraved pillar the fine reputation.

The spring first day of the third lunar month and the summer lotus flower festival is the Lianhua tradition festival celebrates the activity.6- in August all must conduct the scale grand lotus flower festival every year nearby the ancient quarry lotus flower fairyland, several hundred varieties and thousands of lotus flowers leave the sludge not to dye, slim and graceful, the delicate fragrance joy person, the splendid dance performance can make you surely to forget to return.Spring Festival around, in the lotus flower tower side occupying a land area of near 40 Chinese acre peach garden, several thousand peach blossom competitions open every year, young peach brilliant, brilliant purple and red, has increased the happiness traces of spring for the Lianhua, comes the tourist who watches to be continuous in admiration of somebody's fame.


Famous Scenic Spots in Guangzhou







 The entrance hall of the temple is called The Hall of Heavenly Kings and is the shrine for Mile Buddha (Maitreya) and the Heavenly Kings (or the Divas as are called in Buddhist sutra).The statue in the middle, the man with a big belly, is Mile Buddha, who is commonly known as the Laughing Buddha because he is always grinning from ear to ear.

 He is the future savior that will deliver all living beings to the Buddhist paradise after Sakyamuni?s Buddhist power is exhausted, and so he is also known as the Future Buddha. The couplet on both sides is a compliment to the Laughing Buddha, meaning literally: ?A big belly can hold the world?s troubles that are troubling people. An open mouth is smiling at those who are to be smiled at.?

 On either side of the hall we can see two statues. They are the four Heavenly Kings, who are protectors of Buddhist doctrines, with each taking care of one side-the east, west, north and south. It is their joint efforts that ensure harmony, peace and prosperity of the world. The four objects they are holding-a "pipa"(a Chinese pluck instrument),an umbrella, a snake and a sword-combine to mean that Buddha will ensure a favorable weather for the crops so that people may live a happy life.

 Statue at the back of the Laughing Buddha is the patron of the temple, Wei Tuo or Veda by name, who is number one among the 32 generals under the four Heavenly Kings.


 The Six Banyan Pagoda was built for keeping Buddhist relics. According to the records, some holy ashes from Buddha?s teeth, a sword, a bronze tripod and some other Buddhist treasures are buried under the foundation of the pagoda. This octagonal magnificent pagoda, with its blue glazed tiles, vermilion beams, painted walls and red pillars all in good match, looks like a flowery column and so it is often referred to as the ?Flowery Pagod?a.

 The highlight of the visit to the temple is to climb the pagoda. This 57-meter-high pagoda looks to have only 9 stories on the outside but actually has 17 stories inside. On each of the 9 external floors, there are many entrances leading to its interior but only one is accessible to the staircase.

 So, if you lose your way, you just turn around the circle and you will find your way up or down! On the top floor, there is a huge bronze column with 1023 Buddha figurines in relief. Cast in 1358, this bronze column, together with its attachments, weighs over 5 tons


 Another tourist attraction in Kaiping City is the Li Garden. It was a private residential garden built in 1926 ? 1936 by an American Chinese, Xie Wei Li by name. The garden?s name ?Li? was derived from the name of its owner and it gives expression to the meaning of a Chinese idiom Xiu Shen Li Ben, which is written on an archway in the garden, meaning that cultivating one?s moral and character is the key to success in one?s life and work. This idea of the owner?s is also embodied in many other inscriptions and couplets written in the garden.

 The Li Garden is laid out in the way of traditional Chinese gardening but many of its structures are built in Western styles, such as the two Roman-styled structures popularly known as the Bird?s Nest and the Flower & Rattan Pavilion. The garden covers an area of 19, 600 square meters, with a man-made stream running through and cutting it into two parts, which are connected by arch-bridges. Along the stream are pavilions, a hundred-meter-long corridor, archways, residential houses and other structures.

 The residential buildings in the villa area are also combinations of Chinese and Western architectural elements. While their main structures are foreign-styled, some are roofed like a Chinese palace, and inside they are decorated and furnished with both Chinese and foreign artifacts: Western fireplace and pendent lamps, Italian ceramic tiles, Chinese wooden furniture, wall paintings depicting Chinese folk stories, Chinese gilded wood-carvings etc.

 The Li Garden is indeed a paragon of harmonious combination of the Chinese and foreign cultures.as a watchtower for it was located in an open land and was provided with electric generator,searchlights and guns.


The Panyu Lianhua is the Guangdong Province key scenery scenic spot area, is located east Fanyu the Zhujiangkou lion river bank.The Lianhua is composed by 48 red sandstone low mountains, the elevation most is high is 108 meters, the occupying a land area of 2.54 square kilometers.In which has the unicorn peak, because on the peak has resembles the lotus flower together the rock, therefore the posterity is called this mountain the Lianhua.

Lianhua tourist area

Lianhua's origin is spreading the myth story which a Goddess of Mercy provides relief.It is said, very before long time, South China Sea has an evil dragon, stirs up trouble in Zhujiangkou, submerges the paddies frequently, causes the coast inhabitant to fully suffer its evil.Just happens to meet the Guanyin Bodhisattva to pass by this place, saw with own eyes the evil dragon leaves a legacy of trouble, the life spreads the coal, is unable to restrain to show mercy, throws the place under lotus flower to the water in, suppression evil dragon.After the lotus flower enters the water to change into the megalith, becomes nearby today lotus flower Shannan fontanel the lotus rocks and flowers.The Lianhua also from this acquires fame

The Lianhua is Zhujiang Delta famous mountains, is located the Zhujiangkou lion ocean bank, the occupying a land area of 2.33 square kilometers, the maximum elevation 108 meters, are apart from the Guangzhou urban district 30 kilometers, is apart from the Hong Kong 60 nautical miles, the amphibious transportation is extremely convenient.The Lianhua is the Guangdong Province provincial level scenery scenic spot area and national AAAA level tourist area, in March, 2002 is evaluated by Guangzhou Municipal the new century Guangzhou eight scenery - lotus peak view sea.The Lianhua history culture accumulates deeply, the Lianhua ancient quarry history may trace is apart from now more than 2200 year Western Han Dynasty times, is fifth batch of nation key cultural relic preservation organ which the State Council announces.The beginning constructs in the Ming Dynasty wanlinian between Qing Dynasty Kangxi Dynasty lotus flower tower and lotus Huacheng is the Guangdong Province provincial level cultural relic preservation organ.1994 year's end were completed Goddess of Mercy saint boundary broad in scale, with overpowering momentum, are the present foil gold Goddess of Mercy copper statue world.

The swallow crag is the entire ancient quarry ruins essence is at, meets every time the early morning or the evening, forms groups the swallow patrols the convolution in the sheer precipice between, builds the nest in the high exceed hundred foot stone seam between to build jiu, because swallow crag acquiring fame.In the scenic spot the cliff is lofty, the megalith across the sky, the imposing manner is threatening.Looks up to upwardly from the cliff trail, four sides the escarpment series confronts, the high peak stands suddenly, the broad sky is shrunk a side courtyard, the palatial megalith can under the avalanche fall probably as necessary, the dizzy god swings, is terror-stricken.Places oneself three which the cliff goes against to look at the scenery in the pavilion to take a broad view the vast lion ocean, ten thousand ton huge ship shuttle intercourse, good school of prosperous bead triangle landscape painting!

The lotus flower tower stood erect summit of in the Lianhua prominent peak, the beginning constructs in the Ming Dynasty Wanli 40 years (in 1612), had more than 400 years history.Outside the lotus flower tower 9, in 11, outside assume the star anise, the post and panel structure, inside is equipped with the spiral stairs, may go directly to the tower to go against.Has a size not entry in tower each level, the different models.The tower height 50 meters, are Lianhua's peaks.Since the ancient times, passes in and out from the lonely ocean Pearl River's ships, all as passes in and out take the lotus flower tower Guangzhou's symbol, therefore has the lotus flower tower has the provincial capital engraved pillar the fine reputation.

The spring first day of the third lunar month and the summer lotus flower festival is the Lianhua tradition festival celebrates the activity.6- in August all must conduct the scale grand lotus flower festival every year nearby the ancient quarry lotus flower fairyland, several hundred varieties and thousands of lotus flowers leave the sludge not to dye, slim and graceful, the delicate fragrance joy person, the splendid dance performance can make you surely to forget to return.Spring Festival around, in the lotus flower tower side occupying a land area of near 40 Chinese acre peach garden, several thousand peach blossom competitions open every year, young peach brilliant, brilliant purple and red, has increased the happiness traces of spring for the Lianhua, comes the tourist who watches to be continuous in admiration of somebody's fame.


1. The water night rhyme

The pearl river is guangzhou's mother river. The pearl river 23 km landscape corridor formed gradually, the river is clear. The most impressive unceasingly, is the pearl river at night. As night fell, people's bridge, liberation bridge, haizhu bridge, bridge, the parallel hai Yin bridge, five bridge on the light shining under, such as human rainbow flutter, emerald green tree lights on both sides, river cruise time excessive colour, its beauty.

2. The ancient temple leave fang

Built in the late qing Chen clan academy 16 years (1890), was 72 county of guangdong province surnamed Chen clan academy of the temple. See to lingnan architecture from xiguan, Chen clan academy building is the representative of the west: here in the south of the architectural decoration featuring the folk art, with "3 carve (stone carving, woodcarving, brick), three plastic (the chahai, grey model, the history), and a cast iron)" famous ?

3. Ephraim peak on the sea

Lotus peak of elevation 105 meters, by 40 of the hills, for the mountain of lotus graceful stone and lotus good name. Came to have "lotus scenic spot," said the panyu lotus mountain tourist area, you will feel and baiyun mountain completely different amorous feelings, with the latter gentle qingli of amorous feelings is different, with ancient and modern lovely blend straightforward in one of the special scenery. Here, and domestic only has, has two thousand DuoNian history of ancient quarry site, with "artificial not apparently took" ShiJing wonders of the famous in the world, the cliffs, strange rocks have different hole "artificial danxia expensive. Climbed lotus flower, also can visit the Ming dynasty in wanli lotus tower and built in the qing dynasty emperor kangxi years to the construction of the lotus of the city.

4. Bright yellow flowers

Formerly known as HuangHuaGang, to mark 1911 years HuangXing leadership of the revolutionary party built guangzhou uprising. The main entrance gate house sun yat-sen handwritten calligraphy "HaoQi forever" golden big word. In a 230 m long the pyramid-shaped mound solemn, cheung tsing cyproess and winding mountains on both sides, yellow flower flourishing. After PanChi and arch, the oncoming is towering seventy-two martyrs tombstone.

用英语介绍广州五羊景区(带有故事介绍) 用词要简单,500字左右

Five-goat statue is the symbol of guangzhou. Into the yuexiu park, wood shell, then can see 1959 by famous sculptor YinJiChang etc, as ChengHui Yang cheng, rich poetic five-goat statue of art --.

Come to guangzhou, five-goat fairy yangcheng people brought good fortune and happiness, they donated rice in people, and let the Huan Hui, famine, then go to vacate the markdt.all, stone.

Artists will this beautiful legend remodeling. Five shiyang different: standing in a old sheep high XiongJin, mouth seed-heads, head to the front, A old sheep is a pair of feet nestled close lamb, Mother sheep, which have a look back is quiet about the young sheep, absorb deep love shows.

"Wu stone" is the most famous attractions in guangzhou. In 1959, located in yuexiu park, west GangShang wooden carapace by more than 130 granite and carved into a "high 11 meters 53 cubic meters, the volume. Cuhk goats center, head stone, micro breeze, been sheep mouth "a stalk 6" heads, powerful horns extending deep, majestic, appear empty. The remaining four sheep, or sheep which, kneeling, or ewe or eating grass, or play, lovely, lifelike.

This stone is a beautiful legend, legend in more than 2,000 years QianZhou yi, guangzhou this place, you and the land desolate, the Haitian people all the toil and rare. One day, XianLe sky, there are five immortals, riding in colorful mouth contains six bundle of grains in guangzhou, and five sheep for the heads of guangzhou, and wishes here every year for the grain and multiply it, and emptied famine in clouds, sheep into stone. Since then, guangzhou become fertile, this touching story, guangzhou and therefore generations named Yang cheng ", "city" ear. Five-goat statue of guangzhou city has become one.

Five fairy story -- in the founding of the People's Republic of China for further 40 anniversary, beautify the environment, 1990, in care of superior leadership, in wu stone park under the markdt.all fairy story content, will be hosted by the original creation of YinJiChang relief groups, and adding arch, pavilions, Taiwan, etc, the stones, will expand to the scenic spots near thousand square meters, is always called five-goat fairy.

2010 guangzhou Asian games emblem on November 26, 2006, the 16th Asian games held in guangzhou sun yat-sen memorial hall, the 2010 Asian games emblem designers with gentle, guangzhou blaker, rising lines form a modelling resembles five-goat statue shape outline of the torch relay of the Asian games, a symbol of the burning, and never extinguished. This is a symbol of a "yangcheng" guangzhou, also expressed the desire of the people in guangzhou, but also have move feeling, the sports design scheme is become by 2010 guangzhou Asian emblem.


It is said that,once upon a time there were five fairies ride five goats flew to Guangzhou,brought five bunches of corns to the local people,blessing them everlasting fertility.The five fairies soon vanished in the sky,while the five heavenly goats turned into stone goats left in Guangzhou.That is why Guangzhou is also called "Goat City" ,or "Corn City".